Vintage Richard Ryon Interview!

"Off to my left is the receptionist area where David Lynch choose to use as the reception area in his television program Twin Peaks."

"You know, what David Lynch liked in particular about this building is the natural wood siding on the walls. This is a very tight grained douglas fir. The fir was particular interesting to David Lynch because, when he first came to the building, he was talking about pine trees and naturally in the NW we don't have pine trees on the west side we have douglas firs. And I reminded Mr. Lynch, whenever you talk about the trees in this area, make sure you emphasize these are douglas fir not pines. And what was said by Truman in a lot of the scenes was, he would emphasize 'this is douglas fir'. "

"This room turned out to be the interrogation room for sheriff Truman and detective Cooper during the first two episodes of Twin Peaks. This particular table caught the fancy of Mr. Lynch, he liked it so much, he wanted to take it back to Hollywood. And we said, no Mr. Lynch, this table is not for sale at any price. So they had to keep coming back and had to keep visiting us to get more shots. Now, as you'll notice on one of the episodes, I believe it was episode one, detective cooper has such a fondness for donuts that you'll notice the entire table is covered with donuts, dozens and dozens of donuts, not anybody could possibly eat so many donuts, and we wondered out loud, could they possible eat all those donuts? We didn't think they could!"


  1. I love it when people involved in the show tell a story, but they remember things wrong.

    It was Cooper who had a fondness for donuts. It was the entire Sheriff Deptartment. And the real location was only used in the pilot... they didn't return up there later to film other scenes in that room, to my knowledge.

  2. Add to that the often dodgy English-to-Japanese translation, who knows what the Japanese viewer read on their screens...

  3. Still, there is some insight here into our favorite series.
